Albeit vs. I'll bet
Our hero wakes up only to be greeted with the unfortunate news that it was infact 7:50am. The alarm clock had not lied. He rolls over to sulk in his misfortune "off to a great start...I'll never make my 8am class" he thinks. One crappy (but bootylicious) Beyonce video later our hero was up and ready to tackle his Sociology course. It's's okay.
Such a minor set back so early in the morning is enough to ruin an entire day, but you can choose to let it rule your mood. After a good bit of sulking I figured I should still go on through the day and that's what I did.
Sociology was a tad boring. We didn't talk about much of anything, but we took a quiz and I scored a 90 on it. In combination with the quiz I did last night on WebCT (90) and the Bonus paper I'm going to do...I guess this class won't be as hard as I thought.
Jeff brough the new EGM to Japanese Film class today so you know there was no way I was going to pay attention. They had a top 200 games of all time as the main focus. I had played 133 of them ^^; I'm such a gamer nerd huh? We're never going to get done watching Shogun. It is probably the longest movie in the universe...yes the universe. (The original version is 10hrs long)
I've been slacking alot in my studies due to alot of social "obligations." That's fun and all, but I don't want to lose HOPE schloarship. If I lose HOPE then I probably won't be going to college (wejust aren't that rich) I don't think I'll be losing HOPE though because I went to my teacher of last semester (The class I got a "D" in.) I figured out that the "D" was a fluke and now I am getting my grade changed. Hopefully it works out for the best. In the mean time though I might have to go into exile for awhile to get my grades back up. (Onimusha 3 is going to be my new best friend)
I don't know if M.I.A's "Arular" should have got Album of the Year, but that new single Bucky Done Gun is really really catchy. (It's been stuck in my head all day.)
-My pop's 50th birthday is coming up. That's pretty exciting (I think.)
-I think I am coming to terms with certain situations.
-I wish I wasn't so easily offended. -_- whatever...
-I used to think when people said "...albeit it's different from the original game." I thought they were saying "I'll bet it's different from the original game." There is a difference...and I just found that out today.
Such a minor set back so early in the morning is enough to ruin an entire day, but you can choose to let it rule your mood. After a good bit of sulking I figured I should still go on through the day and that's what I did.
Sociology was a tad boring. We didn't talk about much of anything, but we took a quiz and I scored a 90 on it. In combination with the quiz I did last night on WebCT (90) and the Bonus paper I'm going to do...I guess this class won't be as hard as I thought.
Jeff brough the new EGM to Japanese Film class today so you know there was no way I was going to pay attention. They had a top 200 games of all time as the main focus. I had played 133 of them ^^; I'm such a gamer nerd huh? We're never going to get done watching Shogun. It is probably the longest movie in the universe...yes the universe. (The original version is 10hrs long)
I've been slacking alot in my studies due to alot of social "obligations." That's fun and all, but I don't want to lose HOPE schloarship. If I lose HOPE then I probably won't be going to college (wejust aren't that rich) I don't think I'll be losing HOPE though because I went to my teacher of last semester (The class I got a "D" in.) I figured out that the "D" was a fluke and now I am getting my grade changed. Hopefully it works out for the best. In the mean time though I might have to go into exile for awhile to get my grades back up. (Onimusha 3 is going to be my new best friend)

-My pop's 50th birthday is coming up. That's pretty exciting (I think.)
-I think I am coming to terms with certain situations.
-I wish I wasn't so easily offended. -_- whatever...
-I used to think when people said "...albeit it's different from the original game." I thought they were saying "I'll bet it's different from the original game." There is a difference...and I just found that out today.
At 7:25 AM, January 25, 2006,
Mike James said…
133 of the top 200 is pretty good. When you have played 133 of the worst 200 games then you need to start worrying.
At 8:05 AM, January 25, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Haha have fun trying to be a hermit. Really though good luck with the grades
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