...I think I fainted.
Figure 1.5 - Blank, Diddly squat, Goose Egg, Insignificancy, Naught, Nil, Nonentity, Nothing, Nothingness, nought, nullity, squat, zilch, zip, zippo, zot
Take your pick.
Which every you pick...that word could be used to describe my days. Sure there are the "funny moments" and the "exciting times", but overall it's been insert word from Figure 1.5
I'm still in the process of getting my grade changed from a D to hopefully a B (but realistically probably a C.) I feel like the teacher is going to BS me some type of grade and I might get shafted in to making a C, but hey it's better than a D right? With that D out of the way it will make this semester a little easier, but not by much. I figured I can't make a C this semester and for every C that I do get I have to get an A in another class to balance it out. ::crosses fingers:: I need to keep HOPE, but I'm scared I'll screw it up (I've already missed some days of class due to the sheer lack of discipline.)
Since I am coming home this weekend and I only have one class tomorrow I am going to kick it with Steven and indulge in some heavy videogame playing over in the mecca of all gaming Brannen Hall. I'm still a little weary about coming back home, but I don't know why. My relatives get to see my hair and lip ring for the first time so I'm sure that'll be a shocker. Other than that...there isn't going to be much going on (maybe I'll chill with some d-ville friends.)

I have a confession. I like to listen to Bjork. Yeah that's right...that so called "horrible seal music"...I like it. I don't know why...it's just soothing and it's very weird at time. I will admit it's a little too weird for me sometimes, but I always give it a chance. Possibly Maybe is probably my favorite Bjork song.
- I was so tired in Sociology class today. I was writing some notes and then the next thing I know I was waking up staring at scribble I had made. I think I fainted or passed out.
- I'm looking for some good books to read. Very thought provoking stuff. Can I get some suggestions?
- I want some angsty drama to happen so I can write about it in this journal. Spice it up a little.
xG2egx out,
Take your pick.
Which every you pick...that word could be used to describe my days. Sure there are the "funny moments" and the "exciting times", but overall it's been insert word from Figure 1.5
Since I am coming home this weekend and I only have one class tomorrow I am going to kick it with Steven and indulge in some heavy videogame playing over in the mecca of all gaming Brannen Hall. I'm still a little weary about coming back home, but I don't know why. My relatives get to see my hair and lip ring for the first time so I'm sure that'll be a shocker. Other than that...there isn't going to be much going on (maybe I'll chill with some d-ville friends.)

I have a confession. I like to listen to Bjork. Yeah that's right...that so called "horrible seal music"...I like it. I don't know why...it's just soothing and it's very weird at time. I will admit it's a little too weird for me sometimes, but I always give it a chance. Possibly Maybe is probably my favorite Bjork song.
- I was so tired in Sociology class today. I was writing some notes and then the next thing I know I was waking up staring at scribble I had made. I think I fainted or passed out.
- I'm looking for some good books to read. Very thought provoking stuff. Can I get some suggestions?
- I want some angsty drama to happen so I can write about it in this journal. Spice it up a little.
xG2egx out,
At 7:28 AM, January 27, 2006,
Mike James said…
My only memory of Bjork is this one performance I saw on TV where she was dancing with a lot of costume animals. It was weird but I liked it, although admittedly I was 8 at the time.
At 9:48 AM, January 27, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Hope you had fun last night...call me when you get back Sunday so I can get my math book.
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