The weekend as a whole. x
So nothing really to note this weekend. Everyone and their mother was gone so that left only Amanda, Terri, and I. It was cool for the most part, but I wish more people would have stayed.
I finally beat Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure this weekend. It's a great game. I could overlook the mediocore camera angles and the less than mediocore controls and I had fun with this one. This game makes me wish I had more time to bomb (get up). I get up very little, but as soon as I buy some more stickers, chyna markers, and some german fat's over. Since Amanda won't be with me this summer I'll have nothing else to do, but bomb and work. Sounds good to me.
Schools been going better as of late. I've passed all my test last week, I turned in all my assignments, and I've been to all my classes. I wish I could have this sort of turn around eariler in the semester.
I'm listening to this person named Jeffree Star. It's a cross dressing musical artist. Some of the lyrics are:
I love dick like Anna-Nicole loves Trimspa.
Applying my lipstick while wearing Jon Benet's training bra.
Pink like my pussy, hot like Ted Bundy.
I wanna boy with juicy lips.
Who doesn't care I don't have tits.
I wanna boy like me but hotter.
To eat me out like Jeffrey Dahlmer.
Why is this number #2 on top artist on Myspace? (Right below Tila Tequila whos only fine point is her body.) The "Jeffrey Dahlmer" part is my exit stage right. The beat on the first song wasn't that bad, but the subject material..."yeah...-_-"
It's only a few more weeks of school. It sucks to tell you the truth. I like college. I like the freedom, I like the indepdentness, and I love the fact that I don't have my parents nagging at me. Some of the down sides are: My parents seem to have lost interest in me (something that was bound to happen), I don't get to see my D-ville homies that much, and I don't have a job (Dependant on my parents for money). It's truely a win-win situation sometimes and lose-lose the other half.
I'm mouth hungry so I might just go hit up Subway or some more Amanda's Easy Mac. Keep it Posi. x
I finally beat Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure this weekend. It's a great game. I could overlook the mediocore camera angles and the less than mediocore controls and I had fun with this one. This game makes me wish I had more time to bomb (get up). I get up very little, but as soon as I buy some more stickers, chyna markers, and some german fat's over. Since Amanda won't be with me this summer I'll have nothing else to do, but bomb and work. Sounds good to me.
Schools been going better as of late. I've passed all my test last week, I turned in all my assignments, and I've been to all my classes. I wish I could have this sort of turn around eariler in the semester.
I'm listening to this person named Jeffree Star. It's a cross dressing musical artist. Some of the lyrics are:
I love dick like Anna-Nicole loves Trimspa.
Applying my lipstick while wearing Jon Benet's training bra.
Pink like my pussy, hot like Ted Bundy.
I wanna boy with juicy lips.
Who doesn't care I don't have tits.
I wanna boy like me but hotter.
To eat me out like Jeffrey Dahlmer.
Why is this number #2 on top artist on Myspace? (Right below Tila Tequila whos only fine point is her body.) The "Jeffrey Dahlmer" part is my exit stage right. The beat on the first song wasn't that bad, but the subject material..."yeah...-_-"
It's only a few more weeks of school. It sucks to tell you the truth. I like college. I like the freedom, I like the indepdentness, and I love the fact that I don't have my parents nagging at me. Some of the down sides are: My parents seem to have lost interest in me (something that was bound to happen), I don't get to see my D-ville homies that much, and I don't have a job (Dependant on my parents for money). It's truely a win-win situation sometimes and lose-lose the other half.
I'm mouth hungry so I might just go hit up Subway or some more Amanda's Easy Mac. Keep it Posi. x
At 7:11 PM, April 09, 2006,
Melissa said…
those are some vulgar lyrics
we just finished studing gender identity disorders and other sexual disorders in my abnormal psychology class, i thought for a second about bringing those lyrics in for my professor to see and share with the class.
At 8:50 PM, April 09, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I'm only going to comment about the second paragraph from the bottom: you make me jealous of you. You have all those things I've been wishing to have. So, hell ya, college is good!! btw, I saw your dad, your sister lastnight at BG. and I saw your mom at Kroger today. And also, your D-ville homies miss you too...!!
At 4:52 AM, April 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Yeah...Jeffree Star...what can you say about him? I saw a picture of him trying to sexually eat a bowl of cereal and I almost puked...that's how disgusting he makes everything...
This weekend was nice, alot of chilling and time to ourselves but I'm glad that everyone is back...
You make sure you get up more than anyone has ever gettin' up this summer!
At 11:44 PM, April 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Ey boiiiiii, how you doin mang.
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