Jazz me Blues

"Heavy wait (weight)"

Sunday, January 29, 2006

End with an Ellipsis

(Said in a joking manner)
Chris: So when is the next time we goin' hang out....spring break?
Greg: Honestly? Yeah...Spring Break.
Chris: You have the opposite of homesickness.
(Both laugh)

It's not like I don't like coming back, but when things don't run smoothly I question why even came back in the first place. I came back this time because it was my father's 50th birthday. I'm glad that my dad is getting older, because alot of people don't have fathers and I'm happy to have mine. Just when I think I am happy with the situation and I feel like I am becoming one with my dad's side of the family...something always happens. I can't really say what happened this time (but it's something that happens everytime.) I get this sick feeling in my stomach and I get this intense feeling to break out. I have to get out of the house or I will destroy something...lucky for me I have great friends.

This weekend wasn't very productive, but I did get to talk to Andrea (this is a good thing.) We didn't get to hang out like we wanted this weekend, but I guess I have an incentive to go back home now. Hopefully some adventures will ensue. I love getting to know people better.

I have alot of homework to do this Sunday. One assignment I need to do before I hit the road (Sociology) tomorrow. Sundays are always the best though. The Boondocks nigga. I need to get back to alot of the stuff I've been missing next week though. I am determined to make it work this time.

Welp there isn't much to say now I guess. Life is going pretty good. No complaints that are worth mentioning. I'm going to steal my sister's chess table, I want a Gorilla Biscuits hoodie, i tried being asexual (didn't last a week), No one comments my blog (whack), Everyone needs some "truth", I'm still the same ol' Greg...and I'll never change (unless it's for the better)

xG2egx out,


  • At 6:35 PM, January 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I wasn't able to be asexual for a day...feel good b/c you lasted longer than I did. Eventually we will be able to be asexual.

  • At 7:23 PM, January 29, 2006, Blogger Mike James said…

    "I'm going to steal my sister's chess table, I want a Gorilla Biscuits hoodie, i tried being asexual (didn't last a week), No one comments my blog (whack), Everyone needs some "truth", I'm still the same ol' Greg...and I'll never change (unless it's for the better)"

    This is the most random sentence...y'know, ever.


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