I retreated into wallflower mode...
It's been awhile huh? Yeah I've been pretty busy with school work tending to the sick (and being sick myself) to make a post, but I've mananged to fit some time inbetween Sociology and doing laundry to fill you in on my life (if you're interested of course.)
This Friday I'm going home with Amanda again. I'm going to miss the SSBM tournment, but I guess it isn't much of a decision because this is the last weekend that me Amanda are going to be able to spend with each other. Typing that sentence made me realize how much I'm going to miss that girl. It's kind of crazy thinking about it. We've been dating for close to three months, but I've become more attatched to her faster than any of my past relationships combined. It's going to be a long hard 3 months of summer. "I hate the smell of summer."
Chris says that I've been a wallflower lately. *shrugs* He wouldn't be too far off. I don't know why I don't have much to say anymore. I think I'm at that point where I don't have anything to say on any given subject because its all been said. I guess a more concrete example would be last night when Chris was trying to convience me and Amanda that this lady cared more about cat abortions than human abortions. He said that she showed through her actions of only writing about cat abortions that she vauled cat abortions over the more important human abortions. I thought about it for a long time and I simply just said..."She didn't say that, she was just talking about a situation she heard about. Just because you don't talk about one thing over another that might be more important doesn't mean you don't care about the more important subject." He wasn't having any of it and I retreated into wallflower mode. I guess I'm tried of giving input...cause I find that it doesn't matter.
Well I should be going to do some laundry. School is going mediocore again of course. I got a D- on my comp paper recently. Hopefully she will let me re-do it becuase I can't have that kind of grade. Not this late in the game. Other than that, I'm vibing to some Lupe Fiasco (good lookin' Steven) and waiting for the next thing to happen...(whatever...)
*Sonic POU toejam*
This Friday I'm going home with Amanda again. I'm going to miss the SSBM tournment, but I guess it isn't much of a decision because this is the last weekend that me Amanda are going to be able to spend with each other. Typing that sentence made me realize how much I'm going to miss that girl. It's kind of crazy thinking about it. We've been dating for close to three months, but I've become more attatched to her faster than any of my past relationships combined. It's going to be a long hard 3 months of summer. "I hate the smell of summer."
Chris says that I've been a wallflower lately. *shrugs* He wouldn't be too far off. I don't know why I don't have much to say anymore. I think I'm at that point where I don't have anything to say on any given subject because its all been said. I guess a more concrete example would be last night when Chris was trying to convience me and Amanda that this lady cared more about cat abortions than human abortions. He said that she showed through her actions of only writing about cat abortions that she vauled cat abortions over the more important human abortions. I thought about it for a long time and I simply just said..."She didn't say that, she was just talking about a situation she heard about. Just because you don't talk about one thing over another that might be more important doesn't mean you don't care about the more important subject." He wasn't having any of it and I retreated into wallflower mode. I guess I'm tried of giving input...cause I find that it doesn't matter.
Well I should be going to do some laundry. School is going mediocore again of course. I got a D- on my comp paper recently. Hopefully she will let me re-do it becuase I can't have that kind of grade. Not this late in the game. Other than that, I'm vibing to some Lupe Fiasco (good lookin' Steven) and waiting for the next thing to happen...(whatever...)
*Sonic POU toejam*
At 10:06 AM, April 21, 2006,
Mike James said…
When people aren't listening to what you say most people just stop trying...
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