(To Whom it may concern)
Dear, Family
I'm home from college, but it seems like whatever. Don't you want to know any stories and how I feel about my first year of college. Do you even want to know my grades? I made mediocore grades and now I don't have HOPE scholarship. You're probably going to get pissed at me and give me a long spill about something I can't control. I didn't even make bad grades, and I didn't even go "crazy" like they say your first year of college is suppose to be, but you're going to treat me like those people. It isn't fair, but what in life is?
Dear, DKrew
What happened? We used to be the greatest clique around. Now we are just small individual knots of a once tight knit sweater. I have my theorys on what happened, but its nothing that anyone doesn't already know. Honestly it's the fact that we are growing up. People change and their priorties change...if you don't fit into their agenda then you'll find yourself wondering..."what happened." I don't think I want "golden years" DKrew back. It exist better as a memory.
Dear, Amanda
3 months of seperation. Crazy right? We've already established its going to be okay. I'm glad we spent as much together those last 3 days as we did. We've became very close and I like where it is going. Next semester we'll have a full year to do what we just started doing late last semester. That red string holds us together.
Dear, Kids at The7venue (That can't dance)
I dislike most of you. You don't know what hardcore is about. You jumped on board with most of the scene kids who got into it because of mediocore bands like: Everytime I Die, Atreyu, Chiodos, etc...the list goes on. You'll be out of hardcore in 5 minutes...and jump on the next thing that is "cool." You can't hardcore dance worth shit! My sister Rachel has a better two step than you. My girlfriend Amanda who doesn't even dance could probably windmill kick the shit out of you. How are you going to 2step during a breakdown and slam dance during the 2step part? This was the worst display of dancing in my life. That's why I had to get out there dispite my tired conditions. F you scene kids. Your damn bandanas in your back pocket and generic band tees. I truely dislike you.
I'm home from college, but it seems like whatever. Don't you want to know any stories and how I feel about my first year of college. Do you even want to know my grades? I made mediocore grades and now I don't have HOPE scholarship. You're probably going to get pissed at me and give me a long spill about something I can't control. I didn't even make bad grades, and I didn't even go "crazy" like they say your first year of college is suppose to be, but you're going to treat me like those people. It isn't fair, but what in life is?
Dear, DKrew
What happened? We used to be the greatest clique around. Now we are just small individual knots of a once tight knit sweater. I have my theorys on what happened, but its nothing that anyone doesn't already know. Honestly it's the fact that we are growing up. People change and their priorties change...if you don't fit into their agenda then you'll find yourself wondering..."what happened." I don't think I want "golden years" DKrew back. It exist better as a memory.
Dear, Amanda
3 months of seperation. Crazy right? We've already established its going to be okay. I'm glad we spent as much together those last 3 days as we did. We've became very close and I like where it is going. Next semester we'll have a full year to do what we just started doing late last semester. That red string holds us together.
Dear, Kids at The7venue (That can't dance)
I dislike most of you. You don't know what hardcore is about. You jumped on board with most of the scene kids who got into it because of mediocore bands like: Everytime I Die, Atreyu, Chiodos, etc...the list goes on. You'll be out of hardcore in 5 minutes...and jump on the next thing that is "cool." You can't hardcore dance worth shit! My sister Rachel has a better two step than you. My girlfriend Amanda who doesn't even dance could probably windmill kick the shit out of you. How are you going to 2step during a breakdown and slam dance during the 2step part? This was the worst display of dancing in my life. That's why I had to get out there dispite my tired conditions. F you scene kids. Your damn bandanas in your back pocket and generic band tees. I truely dislike you.
At 10:33 AM, May 07, 2006,
Anonymous said…
It's all gonna be cool dude. You're right we are growing up, and the memories of the past are better than the reality we would have if the DKrew was like it used to be. Don't worry to much about the grade thing, you know what happened and that's what counts. Give me a call b/c I would like to chill with you some this summer.
At 10:46 AM, May 07, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Red string? Yall are Kabballists now?
At 11:12 AM, May 07, 2006,
Anonymous said…
1.)I told my parents about my grades and my dad was alittle upset and my mom was her usual 'not knowing' self about it...hey we both lost HOPE together but we didn't lose it out of pure laziness just out of our mediocrity...whatever, next semester is just around the corner...
2.)I'm glad that I got to know everyone in the DKrew before everyone went their seperate ways...but you're right, this is something that happens when we young adults start to grow up...
3.)I truly know that this 3 months is going to be a breeze with maybe some slight turbulence here and there but when it's all over it'll be greater than ever...I [heart] you!!!
4.) Yes, from the sounds of it, I could have windmill kicked the shit out of all those kids at the show...gah, I hate poser hardcore kids...and how do you mix up a breakdown and 2step part??? WOW, that's all I can say!
At 11:26 AM, May 07, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Ey, DKrew ain't dead, DKrew is reborn, you'll see it this summer. Some people may have left but thats called natural selection. It will continue to build and grow and people may drop in and out, but the DreamKast will never go extinct. As for HOPE, being HOPEless ain't so bad! And i'm sure you'll get it right back next semester. To the parents, parents have a weird way of making people feel retarded, or unwanted, and all of that. It's the whole ebb and flow of parenthood. Sometimes they get it right, and sometimes it's like they forgot they were our age once and only care to knock us down. And as for Amanda, that shit's gonna work out, even if i gotta drive you down there myself, DAMMIT! Gimme a call, nookah, we gonna have a talk.
At 3:03 PM, May 07, 2006,
Mike James said…
Michael: "hey we both lost HOPE together"--that adorable!
Greg: Michael, don't be gay.
Michael: ::tries to roundhouse kick Greg in anger for insult::
Greg: ::Counters with a Hadouken::
Michael: Holy ----! where did you learn that!
The End.
At 9:58 PM, May 07, 2006,
Anonymous said…
wow...a very strong and emotional post! I'm sorry that I might be one of them who's making you feeling like DKrew is not there anymore, even though I don't really do much when we're hanging out...
and oh, about losing HOPE, aren't you suppose to still have PELL GRANT or something like that when you lose HOPE? That's what I have right now...(yeah, I lose HOPE too..Yay...!!)
Greg, call me sometimes so we can talk...I miss hanging out with you too...
At 4:49 PM, May 08, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Great stuff. Epistle is where it's at. Apparently things have changed even more since I've last been updated. You nailed the reasons, too. I can't wait to come home on Wednesday. We'll be back in action for a whole new summa!
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