Sushi Nights
Mood: Bad Hair day (x3)
::Cracks Knuckles::
Well it's Sunday afternoon and its time to calm down from the weekend and to prepare for the Monday blues. Oh how I hate those Monday blues...
I have some things on my academic plate for tonight. I wrote a paper awhile back that I thought was atleast decent. I got the rough draft back with tons of mistakes on it. I was a little crushed, but I figured she would just tell me correct minor stuff here and there and I would be all good (you know?) Well I went to her office and we sat down. She read my paper outloud and I realized how much of a dumb ass I sounded like. My paper was horrible and to top it all off she laughed at my paper. She could have simply just beat me up and given me my paper back (same effect.) I left thinking "what the fuck ever." and carried through my day. I was going to work on the paper all this weekend and try and destroy it, but it seems that she isn't such a bitch after all.
*Taken from my e-mail*

I hung out with the DKrew all weekend. Friday I went to a show (Kids Like Us, Anchors Away) It was great! Much better than I thought. Saturday was just chill fest. We watched 8Mile and played some serious Wario Wares for the Gamecube. To sum it all up I must say that this weekend was pretty good. I got to relieve alot of stress at the show, I got to chill with my bros, I attempted watching Garden State with Amanda (attempted = passed out) and I just soaked up the fellowship. ::le sigh:: Monday Blues here I come...
*You know what grinds my gears. How MTV portrays stereotypes. I was watching NEXT the other day and every single time there is an episode with gay people, they always make the gay people ultra slutty and gross. I'm sure (and by "I'm sure" I mean "I know") not all gay relationships work like that, but when MTV is constantly showing gay relationships that way, it just furthers negative thoughts into the minds of the ignorant. How can MTV talk about all these ideals when they have shitty shows like NEXT destroying what little movement they had going? *
- I also hate that I am such a moody person sometimes. Like I am easily offended and that kind of sucks. I know that I am easily offended that's why I don't let those things get to me and if you were to ask someone "Hey do you think Greg is eaily offended?" They would probably say "no." I know its stupid, but I can't help it...and it just makes me upset...that's all. x
::Cracks Knuckles::
Well it's Sunday afternoon and its time to calm down from the weekend and to prepare for the Monday blues. Oh how I hate those Monday blues...
I have some things on my academic plate for tonight. I wrote a paper awhile back that I thought was atleast decent. I got the rough draft back with tons of mistakes on it. I was a little crushed, but I figured she would just tell me correct minor stuff here and there and I would be all good (you know?) Well I went to her office and we sat down. She read my paper outloud and I realized how much of a dumb ass I sounded like. My paper was horrible and to top it all off she laughed at my paper. She could have simply just beat me up and given me my paper back (same effect.) I left thinking "what the fuck ever." and carried through my day. I was going to work on the paper all this weekend and try and destroy it, but it seems that she isn't such a bitch after all.
*Taken from my e-mail*

I hung out with the DKrew all weekend. Friday I went to a show (Kids Like Us, Anchors Away) It was great! Much better than I thought. Saturday was just chill fest. We watched 8Mile and played some serious Wario Wares for the Gamecube. To sum it all up I must say that this weekend was pretty good. I got to relieve alot of stress at the show, I got to chill with my bros, I attempted watching Garden State with Amanda (attempted = passed out) and I just soaked up the fellowship. ::le sigh:: Monday Blues here I come...
*You know what grinds my gears. How MTV portrays stereotypes. I was watching NEXT the other day and every single time there is an episode with gay people, they always make the gay people ultra slutty and gross. I'm sure (and by "I'm sure" I mean "I know") not all gay relationships work like that, but when MTV is constantly showing gay relationships that way, it just furthers negative thoughts into the minds of the ignorant. How can MTV talk about all these ideals when they have shitty shows like NEXT destroying what little movement they had going? *
- I also hate that I am such a moody person sometimes. Like I am easily offended and that kind of sucks. I know that I am easily offended that's why I don't let those things get to me and if you were to ask someone "Hey do you think Greg is eaily offended?" They would probably say "no." I know its stupid, but I can't help it...and it just makes me upset...that's all. x
At 6:12 PM, February 12, 2006,
Anonymous said…
the one thing i really have hated about college is that i use to make "A" papers no prob. now my papers are shitty and i don't know how to fix them. it suxs hardcore.
she actually laughed? very unprofessional...very unprofessional.
At 6:18 PM, February 13, 2006,
Mike James said…
Wow, that was kinda bitchy, I don't even know if an apology can appease aforementioned bitchiness.
P.S. MTV ruin just about everything they touch.
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