My insight has grown...
I haven't posted in a while, but I like the conversations I've had about the post pervious to this one (Brave New World)...I've come to the conclusion that there are different types of people who use and view self gratification in many ways. Some beileve that experiences from s.g. are needed in order to figure out what you want and don't want out of life. I heard a view point saying that s.g. wasn't a bad thing to indulge in because you might die tomorrow. I had one person boldly agree with my stance (lower than expected heh.) And then one person who showed me a new prespective that I never thought about before.
All these suggestions played a part in confirming or testing my ideals. I still think the same things, but now I'm just more knowlegable. I don't think anyone is wrong for beileving what they beileve (which is absolutely not true, but what I mean by that is...I don't care enough to tell you that I think that you're wrong because you probably think the same thing about me.), but I do apperciate all the feedback. It helped alot.
Nothing else is really on my mind, I'm pretty tired still, and a spider was just in my Vans. In other words...I'm going to do surveys...and maybe if you lurk my page'll enjoy them. Ja ne [x]
All these suggestions played a part in confirming or testing my ideals. I still think the same things, but now I'm just more knowlegable. I don't think anyone is wrong for beileving what they beileve (which is absolutely not true, but what I mean by that is...I don't care enough to tell you that I think that you're wrong because you probably think the same thing about me.), but I do apperciate all the feedback. It helped alot.
Nothing else is really on my mind, I'm pretty tired still, and a spider was just in my Vans. In other words...I'm going to do surveys...and maybe if you lurk my page'll enjoy them. Ja ne [x]
Your Power Color Is Lime Green |
![]() At Your Highest: You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary. At Your Lowest: You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in. In Love: You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated. How You're Attractive: Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room. Your Eternal Question: "What else do I need in my life?" |
You are 47% Aries |
![]() |
You Are An Invisible Ex |
![]() You're so over your ex, you hardly even remember you have an ex You prefer leave all of the baggage behind you - far, far behind As they say, indifference is the opposite of love! |
You Are 59% Indie |
![]() You're pretty indie, but you don't make a fuss letting everyone know. You just do what you like. You enjoy many types of things - from trendy to bizarre. |
You Are 20% Cynical |
![]() Cynical? Not even close! If anything, you're a bit naive. Overall, you enjoy life and try not to be paranoid. Even if you've been burned before. |
Your Dosha is Vata |
![]() Creative and restless, you take in all of life's pleasures (maybe a little too much!). You're quick witted and very talkative, but you also tend to have a spotty memory. You tend to get very into ideas, people, and lifestyles... but only for a short time. It's difficult to hold your attention, and you sometimes feel with what life has to offer. With friends: You are very uncomfortable in new situations or with new people In love: You fall in and out of love very easily To achieve more balance: Live in a warm climate and spend some quiet time in nature |
You Have Low Self Esteem 32% of the Time |
![]() Generally, you feel pretty darn great about who you are, even when you mess up or fail. Occasionally, a huge setback will make you question yourself, but you pick yourself up quickly. |
At 8:27 AM, June 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
My sensei isn't a female. I have a sifu, and he's male. Megan is a sensei in Koshoshorei Kempo (sp?), who I met for the first time in Florida (my art is Chi Ling Pai). Sensei = Japanese. Sifu = Chinese.
And yeah, I have to work all weekend, too. And all next week. Are you not getting rich as quickly as I am? lol
At 7:55 PM, June 30, 2006,
A Long December said…
In regards to your comment (oh I felt professional typing that)'re right failing isn't the only way to learn. It depends on the type of person you are. If you can learn from other peoples mistakes then you're probably going to be alot better off than if you have to make your own for everything. Learning is a unique process for every person on this planet...I was just writing about how it works in my own little world. Great point.
At 9:44 AM, July 03, 2006,
A Long December said…
We have the same dosha...but what the hell is a dosha???
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