I can't give you anything to make you feel right...
I was watching the movie "Open Water" not to long ago. It is a ridiculously stupid movie with lame minimal plot twist, but one thing it did accomplish was making me feel helpless. I was watching these two people trying to survive in the "Open Water" with nothing but their scuba gear. I get a really sad, paranoid, angry, extremely helplessness feeling when I watch those kind of movies. I truely don't like that feeling. Helplessness...
I am watching someone close to me drown in the open water and I am so helpless. There is nothing I can say to alleiviate the pain. There is nothing I can do to take away their problems. There is nothing, absolutely nothing. I think what intensifies the situation is that they just accept the fact that they're drowning because it's been that way for so long. They don't know anything different than the ocean they've been slowly drowning in.
It's such a weird situation to be in. Wanting to help someone, but not being able to. It isn't in my nature to just let things go. So when I am faced with a problem that has no solution, but to give up...I have a hard time accepting it. I can't accept the fact that I am reduced to just watching them struggle, and while I am having the time of my life in paradise...they are swimming for their life.
So "Open Water" finshes and after the tragic ending I wished the movie would have ended differently. I always say I want bad endings in movies and the badguys should win sometimes, but its a totally different story when the movie is real and the actors and actresses are people you know.
*Work Schedule this week*
Fri: 4 - 9pm
Sat: 11 - 10pm
Sun: 11:30 - 6pm
Mon: TBA
Tues: TBA
Wed: Off
Thurs: Off
*I think I will do the best thing for me and get lost in my work. I think I am going to request for more hours. Tons of them...*
I am watching someone close to me drown in the open water and I am so helpless. There is nothing I can say to alleiviate the pain. There is nothing I can do to take away their problems. There is nothing, absolutely nothing. I think what intensifies the situation is that they just accept the fact that they're drowning because it's been that way for so long. They don't know anything different than the ocean they've been slowly drowning in.
It's such a weird situation to be in. Wanting to help someone, but not being able to. It isn't in my nature to just let things go. So when I am faced with a problem that has no solution, but to give up...I have a hard time accepting it. I can't accept the fact that I am reduced to just watching them struggle, and while I am having the time of my life in paradise...they are swimming for their life.
So "Open Water" finshes and after the tragic ending I wished the movie would have ended differently. I always say I want bad endings in movies and the badguys should win sometimes, but its a totally different story when the movie is real and the actors and actresses are people you know.
*Work Schedule this week*
Fri: 4 - 9pm
Sat: 11 - 10pm
Sun: 11:30 - 6pm
Mon: TBA
Tues: TBA
Wed: Off
Thurs: Off
*I think I will do the best thing for me and get lost in my work. I think I am going to request for more hours. Tons of them...*
At 8:21 AM, June 02, 2006,
A Long December said…
We have the same schedule for tonight. On the whole "when did things get so fucked up?" thing I'm actually going to give you a specific date. Our graduation. I think that's when everything started going down hill...however it sounds like you need a cup of coffee and a good chat. If you want to get a cup after you get off work (and if you need a ride) give me a call. In regards to your drowning friend...never give up. All you can do is continue to try. I'll see ya later.
At 1:13 PM, June 03, 2006,
Anonymous said…
It's true. There is no giving up in a situation like this. Impatience causes us to THINK that we can't help, but we really can. This is way easier said than done, and I know this from experience, but: you have to continue to show them love and show them that you care about their situation, and continue to have hope.
Giving up because you don't think you can help (and I'm not blaming you, because I and most people have done this too) is a lot like convincing yourself that they cannot overcome their obstacles. And that simply isn't true. Humans are not perfect, but if we try hard enough, we can overcome anything.
Keep lovin' on 'em, bro. Peace.
At 5:05 PM, June 03, 2006,
Anonymous said…
You can't help someone that doesn't want to help themselves.
Good job keeping i gender neutral. Just remember that "they" is plural. Grade: F.
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