Jazz me Blues

"Heavy wait (weight)"

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I think my last post needs a little bit of explanation.
Well I was upset about alot of things. Namely drugs and alcohol (of course right?)
It's alot more personal than anyone really knows so I chose the gay route and vented about a subject no one even knew what I was talking about on my blog.
Which isn't a bad thing, but isn't really the point of "this" blog...so sorry about that.

I fill alot better now.
I had to let a feeling of "whatever" wash over me and things are back to normal in my mind.
I thank work being awesome yesterday, the new Warriors CD, me talking to Elena at Hottopic and seeing that Dir En Grey merch has been saleing* like hotcakes, and great times with friends.

I'm off until Friday, Saturday (yes I'm still going to graduation), and Sunday. I'm going to make this the best off days ever. Going to the park later today with Darius and Ginger and anyone else who wants to tag along...I'll call some people. I hope its going to be mucho fun. I bet it will.
Things are going great...::goes to get ice cream for breakfast::


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