I played it cool.
On the mean streets gangstas carry around guns to protect themselves from being "tried" at any given time. There is a real threat out there for gang members because they engage in illegal activity and have "beef" with other rival gangs. Protection in the form of a gun is absolutely needed, but are gangs needed? In a sense I understand why they are formed and what type of people join gangs (you know the type: alone, broken home, etc.), but why do kids who are raised in mediocore homes, a decent community, and given opportunities turn to gang life?
My co-worker "Charles" (for the propose of this story) is a gang member. He carries a gun to work and talks about "gang life" with me when we are behind the counter serving food. I'm 100% interested, but I don't care all to much (I don't know how that is possible, but that's how I feel.) He showed me his gun awhile ago and you know I played it cool like...
"Yeah man...that's cool. You know I got my piece at home. I'll bring it in tomorrow." (The bolded text was added for a right laugh.)
In my mind I was freaking out though. I had never seen a gun in real life unless it was on a police officer so it was a little different. I don't know what to think about him now. I asked some other people yesterday (or tried to ask.) What they thought about it. I got mixed reviews, but most people thought it was a little "off." I just really want to know why he feels a need to bring a gun to work.
Is your life in that much danger and chaos that you need to be strapped 24/7 and even lend out guns to your friends? (which he did at work today via telephone.) Maybe I don't see it because I'm not "hood," but I don't beileve his life to be in so much danger that he would need to carry around a weapon everywhere. I know some beg to differ. What do you think?
Weird convo from Thai Kitchen #1:
Greg: Would you like some Bangkok Chicken?
Ghetto lady: What?!
Greg: Would you like to sample some Bangkok Chicken?
Ghetto lady: Yeah...is it hot?
Greg: No it's sweet.
Ghetto lady: Is this American meat? What kind of meat is this?
Greg: (looks at dumbfounded woman) Chicken?
Middle Eastern Lady: Do you guys sale tofu items?
Greg: No sorry ma'am. We have various vegetable dishes though. Are you a vegetarian?
MEL: Yes I am. So is my daughter.
Charles: She ain't no damn vegetarian. I bet she be eatin' that dick.
Greg: (shocked) You're crazy.
Charles: Dawg you know she be eatin' that dick. That's meat.
(Lady walks away.)
My co-worker "Charles" (for the propose of this story) is a gang member. He carries a gun to work and talks about "gang life" with me when we are behind the counter serving food. I'm 100% interested, but I don't care all to much (I don't know how that is possible, but that's how I feel.) He showed me his gun awhile ago and you know I played it cool like...
"Yeah man...that's cool. You know I got my piece at home. I'll bring it in tomorrow." (The bolded text was added for a right laugh.)
In my mind I was freaking out though. I had never seen a gun in real life unless it was on a police officer so it was a little different. I don't know what to think about him now. I asked some other people yesterday (or tried to ask.) What they thought about it. I got mixed reviews, but most people thought it was a little "off." I just really want to know why he feels a need to bring a gun to work.
Is your life in that much danger and chaos that you need to be strapped 24/7 and even lend out guns to your friends? (which he did at work today via telephone.) Maybe I don't see it because I'm not "hood," but I don't beileve his life to be in so much danger that he would need to carry around a weapon everywhere. I know some beg to differ. What do you think?
Weird convo from Thai Kitchen #1:
Greg: Would you like some Bangkok Chicken?
Ghetto lady: What?!
Greg: Would you like to sample some Bangkok Chicken?
Ghetto lady: Yeah...is it hot?
Greg: No it's sweet.
Ghetto lady: Is this American meat? What kind of meat is this?
Greg: (looks at dumbfounded woman) Chicken?
Middle Eastern Lady: Do you guys sale tofu items?
Greg: No sorry ma'am. We have various vegetable dishes though. Are you a vegetarian?
MEL: Yes I am. So is my daughter.
Charles: She ain't no damn vegetarian. I bet she be eatin' that dick.
Greg: (shocked) You're crazy.
Charles: Dawg you know she be eatin' that dick. That's meat.
(Lady walks away.)
At 1:27 PM, May 27, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Nailed it on the head, Greg. Gangs = not necessary. They're fuckin' vigilante faux legal organizations (ask me later what I mean by this term if the meanig doesn't come across). Guns are necessary though, but only for law-abiding citizens.
The second convo made me hit my desk so hard it broke.
At 2:54 PM, May 27, 2006,
xxa.v.bxx said…
I think that the whole bringing a gun to work thing is slightly off and I have to agree with Chris that guns should only be used by law-abiding citizens. Gangs are pointless to me, I mean all they do is kill and hurt people because of stuff that really isn't that serious.
Dude, that Charles guy is crazy...he actually said that lady ate dick out loud??? That's some crazy s-word.
At 4:26 PM, May 27, 2006,
Anonymous said…
As far as taking a gun to work, that IS off and IS crazy, but the thing is, when you get involved in those gang type activities, you place yourself in the position where you feel it necessary. I don't think gangs are pointless, but i don't think the point they have is not really a good one. Like Chris said, it's Vigilante stuff. "Oh, dat nigga tried you? We' goin' have to tighten his ass up, then" And it's over stupid stuff like "He looked at me wrong" You know dis, maaaaaan. In any case... I stay strapped 24/7 cuz thats just how I roll.
At 9:17 PM, May 27, 2006,
Anonymous said…
that "weird convo. #2" cracks me up!!! I actually laugh out loud. Did he really say it to that lady???
At 7:31 PM, May 28, 2006,
Mike James said…
The second conversation is really quite amusing. Could it be real?
Anyways, I don't really understand the point of gangs, I mean if you took away the guns wouldn't it just be you and a group of friends. I know it has to do with wanting to belong etc. but can't you do that outside the context of a gang. I dunno. I probably don't know what I'm talking about.
At 2:48 AM, May 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
The first convo=great.
Gangs are absolutely unnecessary. Maybe (and I don't like this) guns ARE necessary sometimes. I'm just repeating everyone else so I'll stop.
I'll be home tuesday around noon. See ya soon (heh, rhyming) homie.
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