Slow moving countdown...
July is here! It's time for a weekly blog and also we can start the slow moving countdown. Countdown to what you say? Countdown until I get to liberate myself from my parents once again and make plans based on my own Agenda. The countdown fo college.
1month 7day
Work has been taking its toll on me. I haven't been able to hang out with anyone since I started working mad hours. I'm not really complaining because I'll have all the time I want to hang out with my friends once we get back to college, but it still stings a little. On the positive side I get to make alot of money and I've gotten back into my hobbies (music.anime.manga.videogames.etc) So there isn't too much complaining going on, but what's the point of having all this money, but no one and no where to spend it on/at?
While I'm on the topic of money...I get paid this Friday and that means "tattoo time." Yes ladies and gentlemen...I'm going through with the Drug Free tattoo. It's going to be a chest piece (something that takes up my entire chest). A realistic looking heart is going to be in the center with wings coming off from either side. There might be some filler underneath the wing to balance out the image (but if its too close to my nipple...F that.) Then above the heart its going to say "Drug Free" or "Poison Free" I haven't decided on anything yet. I'm pretty psyched since this is a bold statment and choice I'm making. I guess this just makes everything I beileve in final.
I have a really strong feeling I'm going to be having some adventures and conversations with people that I didn't think I would be talking to at all this summer. Interesting...
Summer you've been kind, but its time to hurry up. [x]
*I'm going to watch Rounders after I fix the kids something to eat and clean up a little bit.*
1month 7day
Work has been taking its toll on me. I haven't been able to hang out with anyone since I started working mad hours. I'm not really complaining because I'll have all the time I want to hang out with my friends once we get back to college, but it still stings a little. On the positive side I get to make alot of money and I've gotten back into my hobbies (music.anime.manga.videogames.etc) So there isn't too much complaining going on, but what's the point of having all this money, but no one and no where to spend it on/at?
While I'm on the topic of money...I get paid this Friday and that means "tattoo time." Yes ladies and gentlemen...I'm going through with the Drug Free tattoo. It's going to be a chest piece (something that takes up my entire chest). A realistic looking heart is going to be in the center with wings coming off from either side. There might be some filler underneath the wing to balance out the image (but if its too close to my nipple...F that.) Then above the heart its going to say "Drug Free" or "Poison Free" I haven't decided on anything yet. I'm pretty psyched since this is a bold statment and choice I'm making. I guess this just makes everything I beileve in final.
I have a really strong feeling I'm going to be having some adventures and conversations with people that I didn't think I would be talking to at all this summer. Interesting...
Summer you've been kind, but its time to hurry up. [x]
*I'm going to watch Rounders after I fix the kids something to eat and clean up a little bit.*
At 6:28 PM, July 03, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Just to put my two cents in, I vote poison free. It's more accurate and a little cooler. With the other, I just think of "D.A.R.E. to be DRUG FREE!"
At 6:38 AM, July 04, 2006,
Melissa said…
i agree with jessie...i like poison free better. it's more intense and makes more of a statement.
At 8:40 AM, July 04, 2006,
A Long December said…
If you get poisen free that means you can never be murdered by arsenic which is my weapon of choice when I choose to kill. So I think it's a good way to keep from getting murdered. I'm sorry it's semi-early and I just woke up...I lack coherence. Take a pic after you get it done and post it...or come hang out so I can see it.
At 1:02 PM, July 04, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I like poison free too. It isn't cliche like the alternative, and in Melissa's words makes more of a statement. With drug free you say what you are. With poison free you say hat you are and why.
I feel you on the mad hours/money/why thing, but at least we'll have money when we go to college.
At 1:05 PM, July 05, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I would go for "Lactose Tolerance Free."
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