Motivation a.k.a. Summer is almost over a.k.a. I have a big head
Welp......kiddies! It's been a week since my last post so that means.....POST TIME! What's going on?
I had a real relaxed time these past few days at work. I chose to do samples (hand out Bangkok Chicken) to make time go by faster. Choosing to do samples is a big deal because no one ever chooses to do one. Doing samples gives me a chance to get away from my co-workers. When I'm by myself I can think about how much Ihate dislike alot of things, I can count syllables in my head, and joke to myself and laugh (because joking to my coworkers results in......"nigga you weird.") To end this topic I got paid last Friday (300+ dollars) Most of it is going towards school, but I'll treat myself and Amanda to some online purchasing also.
This upcoming week I have alot of off days. I mean "ALOT"......4/5 to be exact (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.) I'm spending majority of Mon, Tues, and Thurs trying to complete this huge list of "things to do" for this week. Things consisting of:
Watch more Anime
Read more Manga
Buy merch
Learn Japanese Dishes (that include rice)
Finsh the picnic menu
I'm very excitied and I'm feeling motivated enough to complete the entire list. Let's just hope I can do all that and still hang with friends (unless everyone is doing their own thing.......which seems to be the trend now-a-days......nothing wrong with that.)
I'm still pretty bummed for the most part. It's just the summer blues, but I'm coming around with every passing day. I can't wait til college starts again. I don't think anyone that A) Doesn't have any strong ties to college or B)Hasn't started college, can understand what I am feeling. It's intense!
Well its to my knowledge that blogs that don't talk about:
Drama or Personal Issues
get zero comments and although I'm not big on the comment having......they are nice every once in a here are some things Ihate dislike (minor drama elements) [x]
Things Ihate dislike.
000. Homophobes
001. People who think videogames can't have "real music".
002. " " " all anime is for kids.
003. Niggers (see The Boondocks episode - "Return of the King")
004. mallXcore Kids. (Hang out near Hottopic on a Saturday night.)
005. People who try samples and don't say thank you.
006. People who want to tell everyone what to do and what's right and wrong, but need to be more worried about their own life first.
007. Ringing telelphones that don't get answered.
008. Friends making minimal or next to no effort in trying to hang with you over the summer (and knowing it won't get any better when we get back to college.)
009. Drugs and Alcohol. Not them per se, but the fact that......its something my friends do that I don't understand and don't want to be that just takes away time from my friends.
010. People with really really bad teeth.
011. People who say they want some type of relationship with you, but then don't even come up and say hey to you at work...when all you wanted to do was talk to that person.
I think that just about does it, for this post. If you read any of my blog...Kudos on you...and if you're just commenting without reading...kudos on you too, and if you're just viewing this thinking "I don't give a *expletive* about this *expletive*...well *expletive* kudos to you.
I had a real relaxed time these past few days at work. I chose to do samples (hand out Bangkok Chicken) to make time go by faster. Choosing to do samples is a big deal because no one ever chooses to do one. Doing samples gives me a chance to get away from my co-workers. When I'm by myself I can think about how much I
This upcoming week I have alot of off days. I mean "ALOT"......4/5 to be exact (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.) I'm spending majority of Mon, Tues, and Thurs trying to complete this huge list of "things to do" for this week. Things consisting of:
I'm very excitied and I'm feeling motivated enough to complete the entire list. Let's just hope I can do all that and still hang with friends (unless everyone is doing their own thing.......which seems to be the trend now-a-days......nothing wrong with that.)
I'm still pretty bummed for the most part. It's just the summer blues, but I'm coming around with every passing day. I can't wait til college starts again. I don't think anyone that A) Doesn't have any strong ties to college or B)Hasn't started college, can understand what I am feeling. It's intense!
Well its to my knowledge that blogs that don't talk about:
Drama or Personal Issues
get zero comments and although I'm not big on the comment having......they are nice every once in a here are some things I
Things I
000. Homophobes
001. People who think videogames can't have "real music".
002. " " " all anime is for kids.
003. Niggers (see The Boondocks episode - "Return of the King")
004. mallXcore Kids. (Hang out near Hottopic on a Saturday night.)
005. People who try samples and don't say thank you.
006. People who want to tell everyone what to do and what's right and wrong, but need to be more worried about their own life first.
007. Ringing telelphones that don't get answered.
008. Friends making minimal or next to no effort in trying to hang with you over the summer (and knowing it won't get any better when we get back to college.)
009. Drugs and Alcohol. Not them per se, but the fact that......its something my friends do that I don't understand and don't want to be that just takes away time from my friends.
010. People with really really bad teeth.
011. People who say they want some type of relationship with you, but then don't even come up and say hey to you at work...when all you wanted to do was talk to that person.
I think that just about does it, for this post. If you read any of my blog...Kudos on you...and if you're just commenting without reading...kudos on you too, and if you're just viewing this thinking "I don't give a *expletive* about this *expletive*...well *expletive* kudos to you.
At 8:41 AM, July 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I'm off Monday too. Guess you'll have to remove that day from free time to complete your list... ::ring.ring::
"008. Friends making minimal or next to no effort in trying to hang with you over the summer (and knowing it won't get any better when we get back to college.)"
I have not seen you a lot this summer BUT we both have jobs... and I'm an addict. Anyway, we we get back to the 'Boro I'm sure we'll all be together more and with Jesse and Kyle this should happen: "Uh, do you guys have any tables for 155?" - "::bitchy sigh:: - No, lil boi!" Anyway, when we're all on a set class schedule rather than a shifting work one, when it doesn't matter if we show up or how late we sleep in and when we all live together again, I'm sure we'll chill more - and hopefully, we'll have fortunes by that time.
At 9:11 AM, July 10, 2006,
A Long December said…
Hey kid. Sorry your coworkers think you're weird...listen to the Fiery Furnaces around them and it will make it worse ;) I'm going to Erin's tonight...but tomorrow night is trivia and bowling night if you would like to come. (aka I think you should, at least for trivia) The night starts at 7:30 at Jittery's but I'll give you a call. To bad you aren't working tonight...I was going to come visit during my break.
At 1:58 PM, July 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I just wanted to say that the other day when you came to visit me at work, it totally made my day. I'm up here all the time and I'm just blah, but it's good to see people, specifically you. I guess my point is that next time I'm at the mall, I will make sure to come and say hello.
And Kudos is a really gross kind of candy bar.
At 2:27 PM, July 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I actually like the Kudos bars. But only a few, espcially the chocolate chip. Yummy.
I am totally feeling the "dislike" about people not really making too much of an effort to hang with you. It's happening to me a lot here at home, and it's both frustrating and dissappointing. I know that people are working, but when they aren't, and I try to make plans with them, and then the plans fall out? It really lets me down.
And I'm not going to be able to see most of my friends when I go to school, because, unlike yall up there, we all ended up splitting up and going to different schools, so breaks are really the only time I get to see my best friends. Although maybe next school will better, because we'll all be a little older and a little more free, so weekend trips will (hopefully) be more frequent and all that.
Oh Shwell.
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