Because if I'm going to pay 335.00 for a hoodie
I'm sorry blog. I neglect you so much. I have so much going on that I often forget to work you into my schedule. You can also throw in the fact that I'm lazy most of the time and although my thoughts vary from day to day my activities don' what to talk about?
Well its about 7 more days until I get to see Amanda. I'm excitied, but nervous at this fact. I don't even remember what she looks like. I have pictures and what not, but I can't physically look into my mind's eye to see her. Its kind of weird, but if you've ever gone more than 2 months without seeing someone you slowly forget what they look like. Regardless I'll be seeing her this Tuesday?(Yeah Tuesday...just checked the calendar) and I'm more than ready. More than ready to start my life again in college with the Ms. (+2 because of Kyle and Jesse.)
I've recently reconnected with some of my friends (umm really one, but if you want to get technical I would say there is more) feels good. I saw Clerks 2 last night and it had its crude humour parts, but it had a good message about "best friends" and all that mushy jazz (mushy jazz = stuff we pretend not to like, but really love) It's good to have best friends. Just that one person(s) that is going to be there for you no matter what. It sucks when that connection fades, but there is nothing you can do besides play your part and hope the other person steps up...(or whatever...heh)
I would like to extend a big F you to Pharrell Williams. Why? Well I'll tell you why. Mr. make amazing music that no one understnads besides you fan base. Sure you get the casual fans with hit songs that have star power (Gwen Stefani, Snoop Dogg, Jay-Z) but for your own CD it'll never be a smash hit (no pun intended). It isn't going to sell and that makes me sad because you're a genius. I also hate the way that all your damn hoodies are far too expensive for me, but that's not going to stop me you damn porch monkey (Don't worry its not racist anymore...we're taking it back. *Clerks 2*)...I'm going to buy one of those BBC hoodies and rock the hell out of it. All $335.00 of it. I'm going to wear it so much it'll just become my skin. Why? Because if I'm going to pay 335.00 for a hoodie...its going to become more than a hoodie. It's going to be my house! On that note...when is Clipse going to come out with their new CD? Get on that man! I love the new CD...please don't let this be the only one.
::yawn:: Well I'm going to go get some cereal and then go get ready for my dad to come. Turns out I have to watch the kids although I was told I was not going to. This messed up my whole schedule, but I guess its okay. Maybe he'll give me the money he owes me? I have two off days coming up (Mon, Tues) so I'll be around...

I don't think I will ever feel good about spending 335.00 on a hoodie (the one above)

So I think I'll just settle for the 125.00 t-shirt instead (although I really want that hoodie...maybe if I save up a little bit all summer...yeah that's it!)
Well its about 7 more days until I get to see Amanda. I'm excitied, but nervous at this fact. I don't even remember what she looks like. I have pictures and what not, but I can't physically look into my mind's eye to see her. Its kind of weird, but if you've ever gone more than 2 months without seeing someone you slowly forget what they look like. Regardless I'll be seeing her this Tuesday?(Yeah Tuesday...just checked the calendar) and I'm more than ready. More than ready to start my life again in college with the Ms. (+2 because of Kyle and Jesse.)
I've recently reconnected with some of my friends (umm really one, but if you want to get technical I would say there is more) feels good. I saw Clerks 2 last night and it had its crude humour parts, but it had a good message about "best friends" and all that mushy jazz (mushy jazz = stuff we pretend not to like, but really love) It's good to have best friends. Just that one person(s) that is going to be there for you no matter what. It sucks when that connection fades, but there is nothing you can do besides play your part and hope the other person steps up...(or whatever...heh)
I would like to extend a big F you to Pharrell Williams. Why? Well I'll tell you why. Mr. make amazing music that no one understnads besides you fan base. Sure you get the casual fans with hit songs that have star power (Gwen Stefani, Snoop Dogg, Jay-Z) but for your own CD it'll never be a smash hit (no pun intended). It isn't going to sell and that makes me sad because you're a genius. I also hate the way that all your damn hoodies are far too expensive for me, but that's not going to stop me you damn porch monkey (Don't worry its not racist anymore...we're taking it back. *Clerks 2*)...I'm going to buy one of those BBC hoodies and rock the hell out of it. All $335.00 of it. I'm going to wear it so much it'll just become my skin. Why? Because if I'm going to pay 335.00 for a hoodie...its going to become more than a hoodie. It's going to be my house! On that note...when is Clipse going to come out with their new CD? Get on that man! I love the new CD...please don't let this be the only one.
::yawn:: Well I'm going to go get some cereal and then go get ready for my dad to come. Turns out I have to watch the kids although I was told I was not going to. This messed up my whole schedule, but I guess its okay. Maybe he'll give me the money he owes me? I have two off days coming up (Mon, Tues) so I'll be around...

I don't think I will ever feel good about spending 335.00 on a hoodie (the one above)

So I think I'll just settle for the 125.00 t-shirt instead (although I really want that hoodie...maybe if I save up a little bit all summer...yeah that's it!)
At 2:19 PM, July 24, 2006,
Anonymous said…
$335 = ridiculous. Do NOT spend that money on a hoodie or a shirt, man. Spend it on food. Or books. You know how much easier college will be while not hungry or with the reading material. Hell, spend it on video games if you MUST reward yourself for a summer's hard work (not a bad idea) but spend it on something where the whole price goes toward the whole product and on something that will last.
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