Thursday, July 27, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Because if I'm going to pay 335.00 for a hoodie
I'm sorry blog. I neglect you so much. I have so much going on that I often forget to work you into my schedule. You can also throw in the fact that I'm lazy most of the time and although my thoughts vary from day to day my activities don' what to talk about?
Well its about 7 more days until I get to see Amanda. I'm excitied, but nervous at this fact. I don't even remember what she looks like. I have pictures and what not, but I can't physically look into my mind's eye to see her. Its kind of weird, but if you've ever gone more than 2 months without seeing someone you slowly forget what they look like. Regardless I'll be seeing her this Tuesday?(Yeah Tuesday...just checked the calendar) and I'm more than ready. More than ready to start my life again in college with the Ms. (+2 because of Kyle and Jesse.)
I've recently reconnected with some of my friends (umm really one, but if you want to get technical I would say there is more) feels good. I saw Clerks 2 last night and it had its crude humour parts, but it had a good message about "best friends" and all that mushy jazz (mushy jazz = stuff we pretend not to like, but really love) It's good to have best friends. Just that one person(s) that is going to be there for you no matter what. It sucks when that connection fades, but there is nothing you can do besides play your part and hope the other person steps up...(or whatever...heh)
I would like to extend a big F you to Pharrell Williams. Why? Well I'll tell you why. Mr. make amazing music that no one understnads besides you fan base. Sure you get the casual fans with hit songs that have star power (Gwen Stefani, Snoop Dogg, Jay-Z) but for your own CD it'll never be a smash hit (no pun intended). It isn't going to sell and that makes me sad because you're a genius. I also hate the way that all your damn hoodies are far too expensive for me, but that's not going to stop me you damn porch monkey (Don't worry its not racist anymore...we're taking it back. *Clerks 2*)...I'm going to buy one of those BBC hoodies and rock the hell out of it. All $335.00 of it. I'm going to wear it so much it'll just become my skin. Why? Because if I'm going to pay 335.00 for a hoodie...its going to become more than a hoodie. It's going to be my house! On that note...when is Clipse going to come out with their new CD? Get on that man! I love the new CD...please don't let this be the only one.
::yawn:: Well I'm going to go get some cereal and then go get ready for my dad to come. Turns out I have to watch the kids although I was told I was not going to. This messed up my whole schedule, but I guess its okay. Maybe he'll give me the money he owes me? I have two off days coming up (Mon, Tues) so I'll be around...

I don't think I will ever feel good about spending 335.00 on a hoodie (the one above)

So I think I'll just settle for the 125.00 t-shirt instead (although I really want that hoodie...maybe if I save up a little bit all summer...yeah that's it!)
Well its about 7 more days until I get to see Amanda. I'm excitied, but nervous at this fact. I don't even remember what she looks like. I have pictures and what not, but I can't physically look into my mind's eye to see her. Its kind of weird, but if you've ever gone more than 2 months without seeing someone you slowly forget what they look like. Regardless I'll be seeing her this Tuesday?(Yeah Tuesday...just checked the calendar) and I'm more than ready. More than ready to start my life again in college with the Ms. (+2 because of Kyle and Jesse.)
I've recently reconnected with some of my friends (umm really one, but if you want to get technical I would say there is more) feels good. I saw Clerks 2 last night and it had its crude humour parts, but it had a good message about "best friends" and all that mushy jazz (mushy jazz = stuff we pretend not to like, but really love) It's good to have best friends. Just that one person(s) that is going to be there for you no matter what. It sucks when that connection fades, but there is nothing you can do besides play your part and hope the other person steps up...(or whatever...heh)
I would like to extend a big F you to Pharrell Williams. Why? Well I'll tell you why. Mr. make amazing music that no one understnads besides you fan base. Sure you get the casual fans with hit songs that have star power (Gwen Stefani, Snoop Dogg, Jay-Z) but for your own CD it'll never be a smash hit (no pun intended). It isn't going to sell and that makes me sad because you're a genius. I also hate the way that all your damn hoodies are far too expensive for me, but that's not going to stop me you damn porch monkey (Don't worry its not racist anymore...we're taking it back. *Clerks 2*)...I'm going to buy one of those BBC hoodies and rock the hell out of it. All $335.00 of it. I'm going to wear it so much it'll just become my skin. Why? Because if I'm going to pay 335.00 for a hoodie...its going to become more than a hoodie. It's going to be my house! On that note...when is Clipse going to come out with their new CD? Get on that man! I love the new CD...please don't let this be the only one.
::yawn:: Well I'm going to go get some cereal and then go get ready for my dad to come. Turns out I have to watch the kids although I was told I was not going to. This messed up my whole schedule, but I guess its okay. Maybe he'll give me the money he owes me? I have two off days coming up (Mon, Tues) so I'll be around...

I don't think I will ever feel good about spending 335.00 on a hoodie (the one above)

So I think I'll just settle for the 125.00 t-shirt instead (although I really want that hoodie...maybe if I save up a little bit all summer...yeah that's it!)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
"Not Right"
So let's see. How fast can I crank out a blog with some substance before my ride gets here. it's 7:09pm now.
These past few days (since my last blog) has been a rollercoaster of sorts. I haven't really been hanging out with my friends that much and now that it is getting close towards the end of summer I'm starting to regret my decision in becoming a hermit, but what is done is done and now I have to just savor the last 21 days I have left...what a shame.
The ol' relationship has been having its ups and downs. I don't know what it is. You know how those things work. No one would like to beileve they are the cause of a problem, but...someone has to be wrong right? Or not "wrong" per se, but just not right (That made more sense in my head.) Apparently I'm "not right" more often than not and this is causing me to take a look at myself from the outside. Do I take things to seriously? Do I not know how to handle situations? Do I always take things to the next level? What is my problem?
I say this...because in all my prior relationships...the same things keep happening, but like I want to beileve that you aren't the problem. Someone has to be "not right" though.
Other than being a lame in the game...I have been getting alot of physical excerise. Playing indoor soccer, walking to work, burning my leg on the lawnmower, going to shows, etc. So that is a plus side of the summer...been keeping that figure (you know!)...Other than that (and excuse me all my friends that aren't coming to GSU)...I can't wait to get out of here.
I just hope that I'm not hyping myself up for a downfall.
Blog ended: 7:22pm
These past few days (since my last blog) has been a rollercoaster of sorts. I haven't really been hanging out with my friends that much and now that it is getting close towards the end of summer I'm starting to regret my decision in becoming a hermit, but what is done is done and now I have to just savor the last 21 days I have left...what a shame.
The ol' relationship has been having its ups and downs. I don't know what it is. You know how those things work. No one would like to beileve they are the cause of a problem, but...someone has to be wrong right? Or not "wrong" per se, but just not right (That made more sense in my head.) Apparently I'm "not right" more often than not and this is causing me to take a look at myself from the outside. Do I take things to seriously? Do I not know how to handle situations? Do I always take things to the next level? What is my problem?
I say this...because in all my prior relationships...the same things keep happening, but like I want to beileve that you aren't the problem. Someone has to be "not right" though.
Other than being a lame in the game...I have been getting alot of physical excerise. Playing indoor soccer, walking to work, burning my leg on the lawnmower, going to shows, etc. So that is a plus side of the summer...been keeping that figure (you know!)...Other than that (and excuse me all my friends that aren't coming to GSU)...I can't wait to get out of here.
I just hope that I'm not hyping myself up for a downfall.
Blog ended: 7:22pm
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Motivation a.k.a. Summer is almost over a.k.a. I have a big head
Welp......kiddies! It's been a week since my last post so that means.....POST TIME! What's going on?
I had a real relaxed time these past few days at work. I chose to do samples (hand out Bangkok Chicken) to make time go by faster. Choosing to do samples is a big deal because no one ever chooses to do one. Doing samples gives me a chance to get away from my co-workers. When I'm by myself I can think about how much Ihate dislike alot of things, I can count syllables in my head, and joke to myself and laugh (because joking to my coworkers results in......"nigga you weird.") To end this topic I got paid last Friday (300+ dollars) Most of it is going towards school, but I'll treat myself and Amanda to some online purchasing also.
This upcoming week I have alot of off days. I mean "ALOT"......4/5 to be exact (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.) I'm spending majority of Mon, Tues, and Thurs trying to complete this huge list of "things to do" for this week. Things consisting of:
Watch more Anime
Read more Manga
Buy merch
Learn Japanese Dishes (that include rice)
Finsh the picnic menu
I'm very excitied and I'm feeling motivated enough to complete the entire list. Let's just hope I can do all that and still hang with friends (unless everyone is doing their own thing.......which seems to be the trend now-a-days......nothing wrong with that.)
I'm still pretty bummed for the most part. It's just the summer blues, but I'm coming around with every passing day. I can't wait til college starts again. I don't think anyone that A) Doesn't have any strong ties to college or B)Hasn't started college, can understand what I am feeling. It's intense!
Well its to my knowledge that blogs that don't talk about:
Drama or Personal Issues
get zero comments and although I'm not big on the comment having......they are nice every once in a here are some things Ihate dislike (minor drama elements) [x]
Things Ihate dislike.
000. Homophobes
001. People who think videogames can't have "real music".
002. " " " all anime is for kids.
003. Niggers (see The Boondocks episode - "Return of the King")
004. mallXcore Kids. (Hang out near Hottopic on a Saturday night.)
005. People who try samples and don't say thank you.
006. People who want to tell everyone what to do and what's right and wrong, but need to be more worried about their own life first.
007. Ringing telelphones that don't get answered.
008. Friends making minimal or next to no effort in trying to hang with you over the summer (and knowing it won't get any better when we get back to college.)
009. Drugs and Alcohol. Not them per se, but the fact that......its something my friends do that I don't understand and don't want to be that just takes away time from my friends.
010. People with really really bad teeth.
011. People who say they want some type of relationship with you, but then don't even come up and say hey to you at work...when all you wanted to do was talk to that person.
I think that just about does it, for this post. If you read any of my blog...Kudos on you...and if you're just commenting without reading...kudos on you too, and if you're just viewing this thinking "I don't give a *expletive* about this *expletive*...well *expletive* kudos to you.
I had a real relaxed time these past few days at work. I chose to do samples (hand out Bangkok Chicken) to make time go by faster. Choosing to do samples is a big deal because no one ever chooses to do one. Doing samples gives me a chance to get away from my co-workers. When I'm by myself I can think about how much I
This upcoming week I have alot of off days. I mean "ALOT"......4/5 to be exact (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.) I'm spending majority of Mon, Tues, and Thurs trying to complete this huge list of "things to do" for this week. Things consisting of:
I'm very excitied and I'm feeling motivated enough to complete the entire list. Let's just hope I can do all that and still hang with friends (unless everyone is doing their own thing.......which seems to be the trend now-a-days......nothing wrong with that.)
I'm still pretty bummed for the most part. It's just the summer blues, but I'm coming around with every passing day. I can't wait til college starts again. I don't think anyone that A) Doesn't have any strong ties to college or B)Hasn't started college, can understand what I am feeling. It's intense!
Well its to my knowledge that blogs that don't talk about:
Drama or Personal Issues
get zero comments and although I'm not big on the comment having......they are nice every once in a here are some things I
Things I
000. Homophobes
001. People who think videogames can't have "real music".
002. " " " all anime is for kids.
003. Niggers (see The Boondocks episode - "Return of the King")
004. mallXcore Kids. (Hang out near Hottopic on a Saturday night.)
005. People who try samples and don't say thank you.
006. People who want to tell everyone what to do and what's right and wrong, but need to be more worried about their own life first.
007. Ringing telelphones that don't get answered.
008. Friends making minimal or next to no effort in trying to hang with you over the summer (and knowing it won't get any better when we get back to college.)
009. Drugs and Alcohol. Not them per se, but the fact that......its something my friends do that I don't understand and don't want to be that just takes away time from my friends.
010. People with really really bad teeth.
011. People who say they want some type of relationship with you, but then don't even come up and say hey to you at work...when all you wanted to do was talk to that person.
I think that just about does it, for this post. If you read any of my blog...Kudos on you...and if you're just commenting without reading...kudos on you too, and if you're just viewing this thinking "I don't give a *expletive* about this *expletive*...well *expletive* kudos to you.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Slow moving countdown...
July is here! It's time for a weekly blog and also we can start the slow moving countdown. Countdown to what you say? Countdown until I get to liberate myself from my parents once again and make plans based on my own Agenda. The countdown fo college.
1month 7day
Work has been taking its toll on me. I haven't been able to hang out with anyone since I started working mad hours. I'm not really complaining because I'll have all the time I want to hang out with my friends once we get back to college, but it still stings a little. On the positive side I get to make alot of money and I've gotten back into my hobbies (music.anime.manga.videogames.etc) So there isn't too much complaining going on, but what's the point of having all this money, but no one and no where to spend it on/at?
While I'm on the topic of money...I get paid this Friday and that means "tattoo time." Yes ladies and gentlemen...I'm going through with the Drug Free tattoo. It's going to be a chest piece (something that takes up my entire chest). A realistic looking heart is going to be in the center with wings coming off from either side. There might be some filler underneath the wing to balance out the image (but if its too close to my nipple...F that.) Then above the heart its going to say "Drug Free" or "Poison Free" I haven't decided on anything yet. I'm pretty psyched since this is a bold statment and choice I'm making. I guess this just makes everything I beileve in final.
I have a really strong feeling I'm going to be having some adventures and conversations with people that I didn't think I would be talking to at all this summer. Interesting...
Summer you've been kind, but its time to hurry up. [x]
*I'm going to watch Rounders after I fix the kids something to eat and clean up a little bit.*
1month 7day
Work has been taking its toll on me. I haven't been able to hang out with anyone since I started working mad hours. I'm not really complaining because I'll have all the time I want to hang out with my friends once we get back to college, but it still stings a little. On the positive side I get to make alot of money and I've gotten back into my hobbies (music.anime.manga.videogames.etc) So there isn't too much complaining going on, but what's the point of having all this money, but no one and no where to spend it on/at?
While I'm on the topic of money...I get paid this Friday and that means "tattoo time." Yes ladies and gentlemen...I'm going through with the Drug Free tattoo. It's going to be a chest piece (something that takes up my entire chest). A realistic looking heart is going to be in the center with wings coming off from either side. There might be some filler underneath the wing to balance out the image (but if its too close to my nipple...F that.) Then above the heart its going to say "Drug Free" or "Poison Free" I haven't decided on anything yet. I'm pretty psyched since this is a bold statment and choice I'm making. I guess this just makes everything I beileve in final.
I have a really strong feeling I'm going to be having some adventures and conversations with people that I didn't think I would be talking to at all this summer. Interesting...
Summer you've been kind, but its time to hurry up. [x]
*I'm going to watch Rounders after I fix the kids something to eat and clean up a little bit.*
Thursday, June 29, 2006
My insight has grown...
I haven't posted in a while, but I like the conversations I've had about the post pervious to this one (Brave New World)...I've come to the conclusion that there are different types of people who use and view self gratification in many ways. Some beileve that experiences from s.g. are needed in order to figure out what you want and don't want out of life. I heard a view point saying that s.g. wasn't a bad thing to indulge in because you might die tomorrow. I had one person boldly agree with my stance (lower than expected heh.) And then one person who showed me a new prespective that I never thought about before.
All these suggestions played a part in confirming or testing my ideals. I still think the same things, but now I'm just more knowlegable. I don't think anyone is wrong for beileving what they beileve (which is absolutely not true, but what I mean by that is...I don't care enough to tell you that I think that you're wrong because you probably think the same thing about me.), but I do apperciate all the feedback. It helped alot.
Nothing else is really on my mind, I'm pretty tired still, and a spider was just in my Vans. In other words...I'm going to do surveys...and maybe if you lurk my page'll enjoy them. Ja ne [x]
All these suggestions played a part in confirming or testing my ideals. I still think the same things, but now I'm just more knowlegable. I don't think anyone is wrong for beileving what they beileve (which is absolutely not true, but what I mean by that is...I don't care enough to tell you that I think that you're wrong because you probably think the same thing about me.), but I do apperciate all the feedback. It helped alot.
Nothing else is really on my mind, I'm pretty tired still, and a spider was just in my Vans. In other words...I'm going to do surveys...and maybe if you lurk my page'll enjoy them. Ja ne [x]
Your Power Color Is Lime Green |
![]() At Your Highest: You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary. At Your Lowest: You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in. In Love: You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated. How You're Attractive: Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room. Your Eternal Question: "What else do I need in my life?" |
You are 47% Aries |
![]() |
You Are An Invisible Ex |
![]() You're so over your ex, you hardly even remember you have an ex You prefer leave all of the baggage behind you - far, far behind As they say, indifference is the opposite of love! |
You Are 59% Indie |
![]() You're pretty indie, but you don't make a fuss letting everyone know. You just do what you like. You enjoy many types of things - from trendy to bizarre. |
You Are 20% Cynical |
![]() Cynical? Not even close! If anything, you're a bit naive. Overall, you enjoy life and try not to be paranoid. Even if you've been burned before. |
Your Dosha is Vata |
![]() Creative and restless, you take in all of life's pleasures (maybe a little too much!). You're quick witted and very talkative, but you also tend to have a spotty memory. You tend to get very into ideas, people, and lifestyles... but only for a short time. It's difficult to hold your attention, and you sometimes feel with what life has to offer. With friends: You are very uncomfortable in new situations or with new people In love: You fall in and out of love very easily To achieve more balance: Live in a warm climate and spend some quiet time in nature |
You Have Low Self Esteem 32% of the Time |
![]() Generally, you feel pretty darn great about who you are, even when you mess up or fail. Occasionally, a huge setback will make you question yourself, but you pick yourself up quickly. |
Friday, June 23, 2006
Everyone belongs to everyone else.
I figured since I woke up at a reasonable time (11:00am) I would lurk around online and then watch a movie before work. I haven't watched a movie by myself in a long time. My current television obsession is "Comcast: On Demand." It's a cable package where you can watch whatever you want (what's available) when ever you want (when it's available). Tough decision, but I finally chose to watch "Brave New World." I didn't know they had a movie adapatation of the book (which I love, but never completely read.) so I figured..."Why not? Made in 1998, decent acting, 87 min...perfect."
I must say that the movie version was very rushed. In the first 20 or 30 minutes of the movie they were already crash landed in the savages home land. I figured it didn't matter because the movie wasn't trying to outshine the book and was just trying to get its main points across in a 87min time frame. The movie changed alot of images I had in my head about Deltas and the uncivilized culture. Brave New World makes me very sad because I start to think about the civilization that they lived in and it almost mirrors the one we live in today (the reason for this blog post.)
In BNW* instant gratification is promoted. If you want it, you can have it. "Promiscuity is a citizens duty." You shouldn't have to go without. On the surface it looks and sounds good, but what about the other things you have to sacarfice for those temporary pleasures?
I started to think about the kids you see on MTV...or just the whole MTV culture as a whole. In today's society that lifestyle is the "correct" one. "Party hard and forget the rest." "You're only young once, might as well." I don't understand why that type of mentality is so popular.
I think those same people beileve you can balance the two. To be able to give in to your impulses and still find yourself and truth. I don't see how that is possible. By accepting one your neglecting the other. Then there are some people who just don't care (or don't know any different.) They've never gone without, they've never felt real pain (not getting to go to PC with all your bestfriends isn't real pain.), they've never even experienced life...and for some reason they don't care (or they beileve their way of "life.")
I guess the point of this blog is to see what I am missing. To gain insight from the outside, because I don't understand this way of thinking.
*BNW = Brave New World (as if you didn't know.)
I must say that the movie version was very rushed. In the first 20 or 30 minutes of the movie they were already crash landed in the savages home land. I figured it didn't matter because the movie wasn't trying to outshine the book and was just trying to get its main points across in a 87min time frame. The movie changed alot of images I had in my head about Deltas and the uncivilized culture. Brave New World makes me very sad because I start to think about the civilization that they lived in and it almost mirrors the one we live in today (the reason for this blog post.)
In BNW* instant gratification is promoted. If you want it, you can have it. "Promiscuity is a citizens duty." You shouldn't have to go without. On the surface it looks and sounds good, but what about the other things you have to sacarfice for those temporary pleasures?
I started to think about the kids you see on MTV...or just the whole MTV culture as a whole. In today's society that lifestyle is the "correct" one. "Party hard and forget the rest." "You're only young once, might as well." I don't understand why that type of mentality is so popular.
I think those same people beileve you can balance the two. To be able to give in to your impulses and still find yourself and truth. I don't see how that is possible. By accepting one your neglecting the other. Then there are some people who just don't care (or don't know any different.) They've never gone without, they've never felt real pain (not getting to go to PC with all your bestfriends isn't real pain.), they've never even experienced life...and for some reason they don't care (or they beileve their way of "life.")
I guess the point of this blog is to see what I am missing. To gain insight from the outside, because I don't understand this way of thinking.
*BNW = Brave New World (as if you didn't know.)