Jazz me Blues

"Heavy wait (weight)"

Monday, January 30, 2006

Why is this?

Mood: Aloof

Monday...monday! Ugh...The Monday blues. It's raining, there is a full week of work coming up, and everything is mediocore to the maxium. I don't have any real reason to post, but I feel like posting something, anything.

I didn't go to health class today because I just didn't need to. I struggled to stay awake, but I ended up sleeping until 12:58pm (I have Math at 1:00pm.) I didn't dwell on the fact that I was doomed to be late. Instead I just got my clothes on and ran like a runaway slave.

I go through the rest of my day (There was almost a fight in my ENG 1102 class) and I come home and chill. I felt "..." there wasn't anything to do. I have no mission, no lady friend (now hiring), nothing but games. It might sound like I am complaining (I am a little), but I have tons of games to play and that makes me happy. Today I started playing Shadow of the Collosus. It is a great game with lush enviornments and beautiful characters (I think Amanda said "beautiful" 17 times) I can't wait to finsh playing it.

CCF tonight was fun. Darius, Allen, and Amanda all went. We played this great game (I don't know what it was called.) It was so random and basically it was like performing the acts that the "master" requested. Our team didn't win, but I sure did have fun. It's nice going to CCF from time to time. Nice group...

The rest isn't important (but alot of this isn't important.) I keep thinking about what Chris S. and I were talking about last night. He asked me my stance on some of my situations and I told him a little harsh reality (or what I thought was reality) He found it weird that I don't talk about what I really want. ::shrugs:: I don't know why I don't...usually what I want isn't going to happen. Not because I can't make them happen or that I haven't tried to make them happen, but it usually isn't up to me. When things are out of my hands I don't dwell on how they can't be...I just move on to the next possible course. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I will admit that it makes me sad sometimes, but other times it keeps me focused on attainable goals. Who knows...x

- I've started reading Catcher in the Rye. I read that Micheal James was...and since I copy everything he does...it was a must. (Reality: I've never read it before)

-AIM is going to be the death of me.

-So Common So Cheap didn't update and Myspace is down. -_- buah...

xG2egx out,

Sunday, January 29, 2006

End with an Ellipsis

(Said in a joking manner)
Chris: So when is the next time we goin' hang out....spring break?
Greg: Honestly? Yeah...Spring Break.
Chris: You have the opposite of homesickness.
(Both laugh)

It's not like I don't like coming back, but when things don't run smoothly I question why even came back in the first place. I came back this time because it was my father's 50th birthday. I'm glad that my dad is getting older, because alot of people don't have fathers and I'm happy to have mine. Just when I think I am happy with the situation and I feel like I am becoming one with my dad's side of the family...something always happens. I can't really say what happened this time (but it's something that happens everytime.) I get this sick feeling in my stomach and I get this intense feeling to break out. I have to get out of the house or I will destroy something...lucky for me I have great friends.

This weekend wasn't very productive, but I did get to talk to Andrea (this is a good thing.) We didn't get to hang out like we wanted this weekend, but I guess I have an incentive to go back home now. Hopefully some adventures will ensue. I love getting to know people better.

I have alot of homework to do this Sunday. One assignment I need to do before I hit the road (Sociology) tomorrow. Sundays are always the best though. The Boondocks nigga. I need to get back to alot of the stuff I've been missing next week though. I am determined to make it work this time.

Welp there isn't much to say now I guess. Life is going pretty good. No complaints that are worth mentioning. I'm going to steal my sister's chess table, I want a Gorilla Biscuits hoodie, i tried being asexual (didn't last a week), No one comments my blog (whack), Everyone needs some "truth", I'm still the same ol' Greg...and I'll never change (unless it's for the better)

xG2egx out,

Thursday, January 26, 2006

...I think I fainted.

Figure 1.5 - Blank, Diddly squat, Goose Egg, Insignificancy, Naught, Nil, Nonentity, Nothing, Nothingness, nought, nullity, squat, zilch, zip, zippo, zot

Take your pick.

Which every you pick...that word could be used to describe my days. Sure there are the "funny moments" and the "exciting times", but overall it's been insert word from Figure 1.5

I'm still in the process of getting my grade changed from a D to hopefully a B (but realistically probably a C.) I feel like the teacher is going to BS me some type of grade and I might get shafted in to making a C, but hey it's better than a D right? With that D out of the way it will make this semester a little easier, but not by much. I figured I can't make a C this semester and for every C that I do get I have to get an A in another class to balance it out. ::crosses fingers:: I need to keep HOPE, but I'm scared I'll screw it up (I've already missed some days of class due to the sheer lack of discipline.)

Since I am coming home this weekend and I only have one class tomorrow I am going to kick it with Steven and indulge in some heavy videogame playing over in the mecca of all gaming Brannen Hall. I'm still a little weary about coming back home, but I don't know why. My relatives get to see my hair and lip ring for the first time so I'm sure that'll be a shocker. Other than that...there isn't going to be much going on (maybe I'll chill with some d-ville friends.)

I have a confession. I like to listen to Bjork. Yeah that's right...that so called "horrible seal music"...I like it. I don't know why...it's just soothing and it's very weird at time. I will admit it's a little too weird for me sometimes, but I always give it a chance. Possibly Maybe is probably my favorite Bjork song.

- I was so tired in Sociology class today. I was writing some notes and then the next thing I know I was waking up staring at scribble I had made. I think I fainted or passed out.

- I'm looking for some good books to read. Very thought provoking stuff. Can I get some suggestions?

- I want some angsty drama to happen so I can write about it in this journal. Spice it up a little.

xG2egx out,

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Albeit vs. I'll bet

Our hero wakes up only to be greeted with the unfortunate news that it was infact 7:50am. The alarm clock had not lied. He rolls over to sulk in his misfortune "off to a great start...I'll never make my 8am class" he thinks. One crappy (but bootylicious) Beyonce video later our hero was up and ready to tackle his Sociology course. It's okay...it's okay.

Such a minor set back so early in the morning is enough to ruin an entire day, but you can choose to let it rule your mood. After a good bit of sulking I figured I should still go on through the day and that's what I did.

Sociology was a tad boring. We didn't talk about much of anything, but we took a quiz and I scored a 90 on it. In combination with the quiz I did last night on WebCT (90) and the Bonus paper I'm going to do...I guess this class won't be as hard as I thought.

Jeff brough the new EGM to Japanese Film class today so you know there was no way I was going to pay attention. They had a top 200 games of all time as the main focus. I had played 133 of them ^^; I'm such a gamer nerd huh? We're never going to get done watching Shogun. It is probably the longest movie in the universe...yes the universe. (The original version is 10hrs long)

I've been slacking alot in my studies due to alot of social "obligations." That's fun and all, but I don't want to lose HOPE schloarship. If I lose HOPE then I probably won't be going to college (wejust aren't that rich) I don't think I'll be losing HOPE though because I went to my teacher of last semester (The class I got a "D" in.) I figured out that the "D" was a fluke and now I am getting my grade changed. Hopefully it works out for the best. In the mean time though I might have to go into exile for awhile to get my grades back up. (Onimusha 3 is going to be my new best friend) I don't know if M.I.A's "Arular" should have got Album of the Year, but that new single Bucky Done Gun is really really catchy. (It's been stuck in my head all day.)

-My pop's 50th birthday is coming up. That's pretty exciting (I think.)
-I think I am coming to terms with certain situations.
-I wish I wasn't so easily offended. -_- whatever...
-I used to think when people said "...albeit it's different from the original game." I thought they were saying "I'll bet it's different from the original game." There is a difference...and I just found that out today.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

My name is Driftwood.

I feel...I feel...warm. I don't know if it's the coffee I had eariler today while I finshed up Give A Boy A Gun or The Boondocks episode I just watched, but I just feel warm. Just what emotion "warm" is I don't know...that's just the first thing that came to mind when I was trying to figure out how I felt at the time.

This weekend has been fairly good, a little confusing, and a nice little bit of eye opening logic thrown in there. We hit the usual parties (that are always over by the time we get there.) Spent alot of time with friends and hung out with Ms. A alot too. Got back on track with my homework (although I'm suppose to be doing hmwk as I type this.), became more motivated, and chilled out to the point that I beileve I need to be at...so then why do I still feel like I have some unfinshed business?

A friend of mine just recently did a post about how he wished that the world would stop being such a cruel place and show him some reason to love this world the way "one" should. I responded by telling "That's not going to happen, but cute dream." Under my "tough, I don't
give a fuck about the world" exterior I really wished things could be like that too.

I've fallen in love with Cursive all over again. I'm going to try and complete my Cursive collection this Birthday (March 24th don't forget). They have great lyrics that some how always sing to you in the times you want them to...and in times that you don't want them to all to often.

"You're no lover and I'm no fighter."

I don't want to relate to this music though. At least not the sad parts of it, but I do. I guess that's why I love it so much.

Just continuing the cycle of stealing.
The Movie Of Your Life Is An Indie Flick

You do things your own way - and it's made for colorful times.
Your life hasn't turned out how anyone expected, thank goodness!

Your best movie matches: Clerks, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite

Saturday, January 21, 2006


So once again my fickle mind has turned to something new. This time it's Blogspot. I figured since I have a Xanga, but not everyone was allowed to leave comments because they didn't Xanga or whatever...I would switch to something a little more universal. Don't really have time to do a traditional first post, so I am just going to Copy and Paste from my last Xanga entry. Enjoi ^^;

"He's smooth. Smoother than me. Smoother than I could ever be. I want to meet him. I listen to every note he plays, every accent, every phrase...damn he is smooth. I wish I were him."

Charlie Parker is probably the definition of "the man." His calm demeanor, his casual friendly smile, and his ability to not only play the saxophone, but to make it sing. I wish I had that kind of steeze, because I'm sure Charlie Parker doesn't have a problem with parties, or mixed company, or the ever complexing enigma of opposite sex. Do you Charlie? I didn't think so. Charlie Parker is "the man." I wonder what he was like when he was a kid though? He couldn't have always been that smooth.

"That guy is drunk off his ass and he smells like death. Everyone thinks he is cool though. He's running the show here and we are all here crashing his party in an attempt to be "Drunk off our asses" too (but not me...I don't get down like that), but you can't help but wonder. That guy doesn't seem to be bored, nor does he seem to have a problem with females or being the life of the party. Sometimes you have to wonder...Wow! I just got beat by a drunk person in fooseball."

Music on. World off. That used to be my motto. I used to live by it and when times got hard or got rough...I would put on my favorite record and just go to sleep listening to the positive angst of Comeback Kid or the love sick vocals of European rock superstars Coldplay, but nowadays the music doesn't play so loud anymore.

"Why am I getting all emotional on my blog tonight? I just went out and hung with friends and just did what us kids do best. Trying to find the next party to throw our innocence away at. Having fun and forgetting about life all for the price of $5...or free if you have the "right" stuff...I don't know. The deep feelings hit me around the same time sleep and Charlie Parker hit. I don't think jazz is the best music for me to listen to after certain nights...it gets me thinking too much...sometimes you don't want to think."

Well tomorrow is a new day. Every thought ever is rushing through my head. This really has to stop. I want things to change, I want them to stay the same, I want it, I don't want it, I need it, I say fuck it. Fuck this...I don't need any type of validation, On the other hand I need to feel some type of validation. I feel myself melting under the choices and questions...I want it all, I want nothing0.

"I wish it was the first week of college...every week in college."

Music ON. World OFF.

I have irrefragable proof that college is more of the same shit you were doing in High School (only alot more complicated.)

xG2egx out,